Cheese is what you need

It has been raining every day in Sydney.  Cheesecake is the kind of comfort you need on rainy days or when the weather is cold.
I love the creamy, smooth quality of the cheese against the crunch of the biscuit base and the sweet aftertaste. You don’t need a lot of sugar in cheesecake – somehow its richness is satisfying enough.
Sweet, creamy, tangy and refreshing – are some of the words that come to mind after tasting my baked citrus cheesecake. I used the zest and juice of lemon in the cake and served it with fresh mandarins. I kept the cake simple so that the freshness of ingredients would stand out; fresh ricotta, cream cheese, eggslemon and agave made up the body of the cake and I used wholemeal biscuits for the base.
My baked citrus cheesecake was super easy to make so I hope you try it out for yourself!
And for more cheesecake type recipes see here and here.

baked citrus cheesecake
serves 6-8

125g/12 biscuits wholemeal biscuits (you could also use graham crackers, granita)
1 1/2  tbsp melted butter

250g or 1 1/2 cups cream cheese (package)
250g fresh ricotta cheese
3 eggs – 2 whole and 1 yolk
zest from 1 lemon, juice from half
2 tbsp dark agave syrup (use honey or other sweetner if you don’t have it)
1 tbsp demerara sugar for sprinkling

Preheat oven to 170 degrees C.
Line the bottom of a 20cm springform pan with baking paper.
To make the crust, place biscuits in a processor and process until biscuits resemble sand-like texture. Place into bowl with melted butter and mix through. Place mixture into pan and press down.  Bake 5 minutes or until golden and take out to let cool.
To make filling: in a processor or with a beater mix both cheeses until softened, add in eggs one at a time, zest of lemon and juice, and agave syrup. Beat until everything becomes smooth . To get a dense and rich cheesecake make sure not to beat too much air into mix – it will just end up flopping in the centre. Once the filling is smooth, pour into pan on top of crust and sprinkle with demerara sugar (I do this to get a little bruléed crust). Cover pan with foil and place into centre shelf to bake* for 45 minutes – remove foil and bake another 15 minutes or until centre is firm.  Once baked, take out and let cool – refrigerate for a few hours – if you can wait! To serve, add mandarins or any other citrus fruit – pour over more agave syrup or use jam to add more sweetness. Enjoy!

*These are baking guidelines since ovens do vary – just make sure to keep an eye on the cake checking every 20 minutes or so.


  1. This is exactly what I need tonight. You have officially just made my day.

  2. cheesecake is definitely perfect comfort food and yours looks delish!

  3. I could eat it all too...They look perfect :)

  4. Citrus cheesecake sounds like the perfect cure for rainy days! Yum!

  5. This sounds so so yummy. I really love citrusy desserts!

  6. That is considered torture you know?!
    Posting amazing pictures without a recipe

  7. I love how you have used mandarins. There is such an abundance of them at this time of year but so few recipes using them so we just end up putting them in the kids' lunch boxes. They are a much maligned fruit but I think underestimated. I'd love to try cheesecake with this fruit.

  8. you have a great blog.. so many wonderful recipes. I also love the theme/ design of your blog. Thanks for dropping by :)
    I need cheese all the time .. adore them, love them, can't stay without them ;)This is an awsm cheesecake and that citrus.. perfect!

  9. Pure and simple. Cheesecake at its finest! And your pictures are as beautiful as ever! : )

  10. I love the creamy comfort of a good cheesecake and this one looks divine!

  11. Gorgeous! I enjoy a hint of lemon or yuzu in my cheese cake.

  12. Looks divine! Photos are gorgeous too!

  13. I'm so hungry right now! :)

    check out my blog

  14. Oh this looks good! I love that you put the lemon in there, wonderful idea!

  15. That is just beautiful!! I wish I was closer so I could pick up that fork and have a big slice. :)

  16. Looks so simple but so delicious. Cheesecake has always been my favorite dessert :)

  17. Thanks for the lovely feedback everyone. I hope you enjoy your cheesecake even if it isn't rainy and cold outside! Stay tuned for more soon ; )

  18. How did you know that this is what I needed :) Wonderful flavor for a cheesecake...looks absolutely delightful!
