A magical mousse

Did someone say chocolate? Yes, but not just any chocolate – dark, rich and creamy and smooth chocolate mousse. I apologize for the delayed first post of the month. I’ve been feeling a bit stuck -- it's that time of year where I have to re-think life and work, and torture myself with deep and existential questions.

Now to get out of this rut. I guess one way is to just throw yourself into something. For me the easiest way to do that is just by going into the kitchen and whipping something up. There's something wonderful about focusing on one thing at a time; cracking eggs, beating and whisking cream, pouring and sifting - all simple actions and for me stress-relieving.
So here is what I’ve made to get myself un-stuck: chocolate mousse.  This is not what you think about mousse. It's not light and airy: unadulterated chocolate and sweet cream – this recipe makes one magical mousse.

chocolate mousse
recipe adapted from a variety of sources
serves 4
*use organic and good quality where possible – makes a big difference!

50g dark chocolate (85%)
100g dark chocolate (70%)
150ml cream (35%)
2 egg yolks, room temperature
2 tbsp honey (depending on desired sweetness)
1 tbsp dark cocoa powder

First place chocolate and 50ml cream in a bowl placed above simmering water (make sure bowl doesn’t touch water). Stir until melted.  Take off heat and leave aside. In a separate bowl place rest of cream and 1 tbsp honey, and whip until stiff peaks formed and place in fridge to keep cold. Next, place egg yolks and 1 tbsp honey in a bowl above (again, not touching) simmering water and beat until lighter in colour and larger in volume – about 5-10 minutes*. Make sure not to overheat egg yolks – don’t want to scramble them! Take off heat and add melted chocolate mixture. Take out whipped cream and gently – really gently! – fold into chocolate mixture. Place into serving cups and refrigerate for 3 hours or until set. Take out and sift with cocoa powder. Enjoy!

*When you beat egg yolks in a bowl over simmering water you are essentially cooking the egg yolks (often because this is safer than raw).  Sabayon is the name of a basic beaten egg yolk and is a dessert by itself (often dessert wine/marsala is added). Basically egg yolks are beaten with sugar until light and fluffy.


  1. What a lovely chocolate mousse. I can't think of a better way to get unstuck. :)
    It's been years since I last made chocolate mousse, and you've just reminded me that it's one of my favouritest desserts in the world. I guess I've just forgotten how simple it is to make. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Wow - how gorgeous is that! It looks like a large helping of chocolate truffle. Lovely pics.

  3. Oh, my. Gorgeous photos of such a delectable dessert! LOVE it!!!

  4. I'm stuck in one of those debates now myself. To throw myself into work and ignore my family? Or to enjoy my wonderful kids and shirk my responsibilities? Tough questions. This mousse would definitely help me through these tough decisions.

  5. Definitely my favourite way to get out of a rut - bake something delicious and eat it all. This looks amazing! Beautiful photos.

  6. Your pictures are beautiful the mousse looks fantastic.

  7. That looks so good! Chocolate is the best remedy for most problems in life!!

  8. I can just taste this~

    I love how you presented the photos, like the garnishes, and arrangements


  9. Absolutely delicious! Did you dust the mousse with cocoa powder, it looks so nice.

  10. This looks nice and thick like I think a mousse should -- I dislike when they are really just pudding with a fancy name.

  11. honey in mousse seems new to me. But the outcome looks gorgeous. The best way to beat all blues away.

  12. Even if I don't like chocolate mousse, your photos make me want to dig in!

  13. When you serve a chocolate mousse at a dinner party it just never disappoints - and yours looks wonderful!

  14. Hi everyone - thanks for the lovely comments and happy you like mousse! As Isabelle said, it's very simple to make and Hester, they do taste like truffles!

    Rivki - wow, your internal debate seems like a tough one - good luck with thinking it through and you might need some more chocolate to help!

    Jana - yes, dusted with cocoa powder - it adds a slightly bitter touch to the sweet creaminess.

    Enjoy friends!

  15. Mmm! Looks great! Isn't it nice when chocolate gets you "unstuck"? :)

  16. My taste buds are crying right now! This looks so delicious!

  17. This looks so beautiful, I hope you're unstuck now! Sometimes only really good rich dark chocolate will do. As usual I love your pictures they always tell a story :D

  18. This looks wonderful! By the way I remembered your delicious banana bread recipe so I looked it up on your blog and am making it today..

  19. Nothing bad about deep, existential questions when you've got deep, dark chocolate to help you out the rut :-)

  20. Wish you lived closer so you could make this for me! It looks AMAZING!

  21. great recipes and awesome pics, love you blog
