Something for spring

Spring in Sydney – an end to the colder months and a welcome to longer, sunnier days and flowers. It’s just the beginning of my favourite time of year, and to celebrate it I put together a few spring-inspired foods.
At the grocer, I picked up a bunch of vegetables and herbs. I made a simple salad of sliced vine-ripened tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and torn basil and dressed the two ingredients with extra-virgin olive oil, balsamic and freshly cracked black pepper - a light vegetable salad. Of course, if this was going to be a celebration of spring I had to place something exciting on the table. What’s more of a treat than fresh oysters!
Not just any oysters of course – these were Sydney rock oysters and they were crazy delicious.  Sweet, creamy and different than Pacific oysters which are more salty, rock oysters are something special and a local delicacy.  I know not everyone loves the soft (and perhaps somewhat slimy) texture of raw oysters but these are seriously something to try. All you need is a little lemon – the tang of the citrus works well against the briney (and iodine-filled) ocean flavours of the oyster. A few fresh flavours for spring. 


  1. I'm not crazy about oysters - but those do look delectable!

  2. I can honestly say I have never had oysters but these photos make them look fantastic!

  3. I haven't ever tasted oysters but your photos make me feel, I have definitely missed something really amazing.

  4. Oh I love sydney rock oysters, they really are the best. I've now got a craving to do some up kilpatrik style. Yummo!

  5. My son has just returned from London where he went to the Titanic Exhibition. On the Titanic's fateful journey, oysters were served but only to the First Class Passengers. The recipe they used was called Oysters Findlay. Each First Class Passenger received 3 shells on a bed of lettuce garnished with 2 lemon quarters!

  6. That is totally my kind of salad! fresh,lite, easy, healthy and delicious!!

  7. Gorgeous oysters and very lovely kind of a meal :)

  8. There u are welcoming summer and here I am almost ready for Winter :) I love shell fish but oyester is something I never tried raw

  9. What lovely photos. This is my first visit to your blog, so I decided to browse through your earlier posts while I was here. I'm so glad I did that. You've created a lovely spot for your readers to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  10. Gorgeous! Our season of oysters and tomatoes is on it's way out but I'm so excited that yours is starting- enjoy it!!

  11. Beautiful writing and gorgeous photos!

  12. We are oyster fanatics in my house. Your photography is stunning!

  13. I do love oyster. I've never try the rock one. My mouth is watering right now..

  14. Thank you for sharing such lovely words friends!
