A crunchy craving

The other night I had a serious craving for a snack that was sweet and salty. I thought about baking but I just couldn’t muster the energy to actually get off the couch and whip, beat and mix anything in a bowl!
So my next thought was popcorn - not the regular kind, but the most deliciously sweet, salty, sticky and crunchy caramelised popcorn. I aptly named this creation: sea salt and caramel popcorn.
The combination of dark, rich vanilla-scented caramel with a hint of saltiness was the perfect answer to my lazy cravings. It was ridiculously simple to make and even easier to eat!

sea salt and caramel popcorn

70g (about 1/3 cup popcorn kernels)
50g sugar
1/2 honey
80ml water
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
10 ml (1/2 tbsp) cream (you don’t need this but it adds a softness to the caramel)
1 tsp sea salt

First line a baking sheet with baking paper.  Make popcorn – I used an air popper but you can also use a stovetop method. Keep popcorn in a large bowl. For the caramel, place a small pot on medium heat. Add sugar, honey, water*, butter and vanilla and stir until sugar dissolves – let it come to the boil (don’t stir) and cook until golden/caramel coloured. Add in cream  and cook until thick.  Take off heat and add sea salt. Pour caramel over popcorn – mix through and place onto baking sheet.

The popcorn will keep for a few days in a sealed container but I didn’t have any left to keep!

Note: I used a small amount of caramel – my main reason for this is that I wanted to indulge but not overindulge. 
*not all caramels use water but I used it instead of using more butter.


  1. ohhhh man that sounds like the most perfect snack!

  2. I often crave things that are chewy.. but next time I have a crunchy craving I will use up the rest of my popcorn and make this!

    I'm also a big fan of popcorn cooked in sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. I bet that would be good with some sea salt too. (Not much easier to clean up though.)

  3. That snack looks amazing - such beautiful photography! I can't wait to have a girls movie night and whip up a batch of this!

    Shari from www.goodfoodweek.blogspot.com

  4. your photos are gorgeous :)
    so wish i have a bowl of that when i watch tv tonight!!!!

  5. I would probably try and get someone else clean this...but would so THOROUGHLY enjoy devouring this!

  6. Mmmmmmm! What a lovely mix of flavors! (I hate cleaning a melted caramel pot too! lol)

  7. I do a spiced popcorn with cumin, coriander & chilli powder but I've never tried salted caramel, it's just meant to be isn't it. I don't know why it's not available in the cinema, you should patent it!;)

  8. Beautiful! This looks incredible and nicely balanced between sweet and salt!

  9. Darling...this looks so delicious. My kids are always looking for popcorn and family movie night. Next family movie night, your popcorn it is!!! love you. neen.

  10. Wow - such lovely words! Thanks friends.

  11. Sounds like you did get up and mix and make, and I'm very grateful for your efforts. This recipe looks fantastic.

  12. Hi,
    This looks delicious! I just have a quick question- the recipe calls for "1/2 honey." Is there supposed to be a unit with that?

  13. Oops! It's supposed to be 1/2 tablespoon of honey. Enjoy your popcorn!

  14. This is exactly I am looking for... Other day for the very first time I popped some pop corns....It was more of an experiment to check whether it will pop or not...Now I am looking for variety of flavors that I can add...

    Your photography style is gorgeous.....Loved this blog...:)

